Kinder Kennels
Kindness in Canine Care
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you have. Please text or email kinderkennels@hotmail.ca
Ellie's Farm
2262 Victoria Road
Carrying Place, Ontario
K0K 1L0
Text: 613-PhD-Dogs (743-3647)
It is exceptionally difficult to hold a conversation here much of the time as you might imagine and a good conversation about dogs should never be a short one! For that reason, we prefer a text or email so we can properly converse without distraction. Thank you for your understanding.
Please be aware that the phone is left in the office over night and at weekends so we may not get back to you immediately but we will as soon as we can. Thank you
Business hours are 0730 to 1730 week days only

A dog remains the responsibility of the owner until inside the Puppy Palace building. On collection, a dog is the owner's responsibility when the front door is opened to leave.
Kinder Kennels accepts intact males and females. Bitches in season will have to wait until they are finished before they can stay with us. Bitches who come into season during their stay may have to be separated.
Kinder Kennels are not all veterinary trained personnel, however, with the owner's signed permission, staff will administer medications such as pills or Metacam where requested.
Kinder Kennels will not be held liable for any pre-existing injury or illness or the exacerbation thereof. If dogs arrive injured or ill they may be turned away or isolated for the duration of their stay.
Dogs can play rough and your dog may get some “play marks”. Dogs that require veterinary care whilst staying with us will be taken to their own vet where possible.
Every effort will be made to contact you should there be a need but where that is not possible, Kinder Kennels will act on your behalf in the best interests of your dog. Vet bills are the responsibility of the owner. Day and boarding fees remain the responsibility of the owner. Owners may be liable for the vet bills of other dogs if they have not disclosed to staff, any underlying or potential behavioural issues.
Cancellation and no show fees will apply to any boarding booking within 7 days at 50% of the final bill. Day care is charged at 100% within 24hours.
Late fees will be applied at a rate of $1 plus tax for every minute a dog is dropped off or collected late.